Tool Steels for Injection Molding
Injection molding is utilized to create a large portion of products that are used everyday by consumers. In building these molds you must look at what materials are going to be used in the forming of these parts. Be it PVC, Nylon, Polypropylene, or some other type of material, you must be sure you are using the correct mold steel to build your tool.
Excessive wear, corrosion, and thermal dispensation are the largest contributors to the anticipated “life” of a mold. Addressing these concerns when you are choosing your steel can help alleviate issues you may have during production and help increase your run rates and reduce your overall costs to produce your parts. With our metallurgist we can review your next project or diagnose a current one and help identify the best material for your application.
We handle all your standard grades of material that are utilized in mold building. We have in our inventory P20, H13, S7, 4140, along with your other standard injection molding grades.
Through our partnership with Doerrenberg Specialty Steel we also offer their branded products that are specialized for the injection molding industry. Their HC16S and R65 grades are exceptional at providing the wear and corrosion resistance you require. Below are the data sheets for these materials.

Now Stocking The Following Grades For Injection Molding
Standard Grades